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We Can’t Do It Without You

So many have been inspired by Joe’s story, but he has also been deeply moved by those who have taken up a challenge of their own. “As I go through my own challenge of daily physical and occupational therapy, I am inspired by those who have worked hard to achieve their own goals,” said Joe. “I can’t thank you enough for thinking of me while you complete your own challenges.”

Ways to Support

You can support Joe on his journey by committing to a challenge or by making a donation. Even a small contribution can make a big difference in keeping this effort going.

Secure Donations With GoFundMe

The Joe Sharron Challenge is powered by people. However, the Challenge relies on generous donations to keep it going day-to-day. If you’d like to support our efforts, click on the link to make a secure donation via the Joe Sharron Challenge GoFundMe page.

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