Recovery, Challenges

October surprise #1 Through thick and thin

I am excited to announce the launch of the Through thick and thin podcast series aimed at helping and offering hope to those in a relationship who have suffered a spinal cord injury, stroke, traumatic brain injury or life changing medical diagnosis.

I am honored and humbled to have had the opportunity to interview so many couples who have suffered a life-changing event, to hear their struggles and despite the adversity they are able to make the best of the situation and let love prevail. This will help anyone in a relationship struggling to keep things afloat.

Our first guests are David and Arlene from Montana who share their story about several life-changing medical diagnoses that changed their lives forever. They share the ups and the downs and it is evident their resolve will not allow them to give up.

The series was created to offer help and hope. We are also trying to build an ecosystem to help those with disabilities. Our value for value model means we will never have commercials during the podcast. Instead we will rely on the community (we will build) to help produce the podcast and to monetize it through donations. The money will go to helping those with disabilities who help produce the show.

We would also like to hear your feedback and have you as a guest on a future episode. You can reach me by direct messaging on Facebook or by sending an email to:
Please contact me if you would like to be an associate producer to help produce future episodes.

A big shout out to Angie Square from Houston Texas who has provided artwork for the podcast series. Thank you Angie!!

For me this was a crash course on podcasting and I have a long way to go so please bear with me as we work out the bugs :-) my first big mistake was making the recording using the wrong settings. I could’ve asked David and Arlene to re-record but instead chose to edit out every word I said and re-record my portion. Using one finger I am able to edit at the speed of a sloth lol but managed to get things done.

This forced me to go from beginner to intermediate using the platform Audacity and I am now intimately familiar with it. All episodes can be heard on Stitcher, Spotify, Apple podcast, Google podcast and Anchor.

Please listen, share with your friends and hit the subscribe or follow button for future episodes. I hope to have new guests on every two weeks. Thank you for listening and helping us build an ecosystem!!

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